Meet the Markers is STANSW’s flagship event held annually and endorsed by the Board of Studies, Teaching and Educational Standards (BOSTES). MTM provides teachers with the opportunity to gain valuable insight into the setting of HSC examinations, as well as the marking processes and implementation of the HSC marking guidelines.
The event has been expanded to incorporate sessions on constructing examination questions and marking criteria and the RoSA and HSC examination processes, presented by BOSTES Officers.
Meet the Markers is for teachers at all stages of their teaching careers. Whether it is your first year teaching HSC science or if you are considering marking the HSC exams, or helping your students maximise their marks; MTM is for you.
Experienced markers will provide insights into the 2016 senior secondary HSC papers where candidature strengths, weaknesses and misconceptions will be discussed. Presented by HSC Markers with recent marking experience, MTM is an opportunity for teachers of each of the Science HSC courses to increase their understanding of the marking processes on the current year’s papers.
Full Day Registration:
Half Day Registration:
Visnja Aw